Mr Sprinkles Munchies

What I delivered
Visual Identity
Word Mark
4 Pouch Designs
Brand Strategy
Icon Pack

Doggone Delicious Dog Treats!
Mr Sprinkles Munchies is a dog treats business based in South Wales. They pride themselves on being a healthy meat-free (plant-based) alternative for a dog snack. The aim was to create a visual identity that feels fun, quirky, colourful and organic. As well as a wordmark, a mascot was a big must for the brand, a playful character to portray the personality of the tone of voice. The mascot would be re-designed for each flavour of treat with a new colour palette and theme to give each pack a unique but exciting flare. Mr Sprinkles became a character that morphs into his environment like a super power, which makes him a huge versatile asset for the brand.

The majority of visual graphics were first hand-drawn, including the Wordmark and Font below.

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